The Jumpin' Joe is a swing dance move adaptation, invented in 2007 in Ventura, California. It can be used as an adaptation on the Princess Dip or the Pretzel. It was meant for leads who may be shorter than their partner. Instead of struggling to swing their following partner's arm over her own head, he may jump as she does so, thus executing the Jumpin' Joe.
1st, the lead would bounce his partner off his leg.
2nd, he would then spin his partner to return to the open-hand position.
3rd, as she spins to that position, he jumps to get his hand over her head.
4th, he lands and is returned to the open-hand position.
After completing the Pretzel,
1st, the lead jumps to get his hand over head.
2nd, he lands and is returned to the open-hand position.